Play MP3 Downloads on the VLC Media Player app

Download VLC Media Player App (iOS) CLICK HERE

Download VLC Media Player App (Android) CLICK HERE

Follow the steps below to install the VLC app onto your device.

Step-by-step VLC installation guide (iOS)

1. Go to the App Store. Install VLC media player (free):

2. Open Safari browser. Go to the PURE ENERGY GO website Log in to your account.

3. Select Downloads. Navigate to the required album and click the green Download button.

4. When asked ‘Do you want to download ‘’’, click Download.

NB: A blue arrow icon indicates the download progress at the top left of your browser window.

5. When the download has completed, click the blue arrow icon to view Downloads. This will display your downloaded file.

Alternatively, your downloaded file can be found by opening the Files app and navigating to Locations>On My iPhone/On My iPad>Downloads.

6. The saved file is a .zip file. Zip files must be ‘extracted’ before they can be used.

Extract the files by simply clicking on it. The contents will be automatically extracted into a new folder.

7. To display your files in the VLC app, go into the newly created folder.

8. Click the 3 dots at the top of the screen. Then, click Select.

9. Click to select the files you’d like to add (either all of them or just the continuous mix).

Then, click the Folder icon at the bottom centre of the screen.

NB: Continuous mixes are always the final track on each album.

10. Browse to On My iPhone>VLC and click Move at the top right corner.

11. Exit the Files app. Open the VLC media player app.

At the bottom of the screen, under the Audio icon, you will see your audio files.

12. Click a song to play it. The playing file will show at the bottom of the screen.

Click on the bottom banner to show the playing track on a full screen.

To bring up options (including playback speed), click the 3 dots in the top right corner.

Click the downward-facing arrow in the top left to minimise this screen and return to the Songs screen.

NB: To build a playlist, go to the main Songs or Album screen. Click the 3 dots in the top right corner. Click Select. Choose the required songs/albums and then click Add to Playlist (bottom left). 

Installation complete.

Follow this video to pull your PURE ENERGY downloads through to the VLC Media Player app.

Step-by-step VLC installation guide (Android)

1. Go to the Google Play Store. Install VLC for Android (free)

2. Open Firefox/Chrome/Samsung browser. Go to the PURE ENERGY GO website

Log in to your account.

3. Go to My Account. Select Downloads from the menu.

Navigate to the album you require and click the green Download button. 

4. A pop-up will notify you that your album is downloading. 

5. Another pop-up will confirm when the download is complete. If the pop-up disappears, locate it by going to Files/ Downloads on your device. 

6. Click Open. The following screen will appear. The saved file is a .zip file. Zip files must be ‘extracted’ before they can be used. Select your files and click Extract.

7. Clicking Extract will open another screen where you have the option to rename your file.

Renaming your file isn’t compulsory – this comes pre-populated with the original title for you.

Click Extract. Your files are now ready to use in the VLC app.

8. Open the VLC app. Click the 3 dots. Click Refresh in the top right corner. This will import your newly downloaded files.

NB: Continuous mixes are always the final track on each album.

Installation complete.

Follow the videos below to pull your PURE ENERGY downloads through to the VLC Media Player app.

For more support, please contact [email protected].