Soundtrack 8 Authentic Yoga Classes

Namaste Sweet souls! Here at PURE ENERGY GO, we’re excited to introduce you to brand new guided meditations.


…are guided and scripted meditations inspired by the chakras to help you plan a perfect yoga or meditations class. 

INTENTIONS has been designed as a useful tool for yoga instructors, through which they can learn new meditation techniques and expand their class offerings.

All of the INTENTIONS meditations have been curated by our Sound Therapist & Yoga Instructor Hannah Rose. 

In ‘Body As One’ you’ll find meditations that are designed for total body relaxation.

Use these meditations to inspire your classes that are for whole-body connection and have a more general flow. In this section, there’s an example of a Yoga Nidra & a Body Scan meditation. 

The highest vibrational chakra is located at the top of your head. The crown chakra is all about connection to spirituality and your life’s purpose. 

Colour: White

Element: Pure Spirit 

Asana Inspiration: Corpse Pose (Savasana)

The governor of our intuition and wisdom. Use this chakra to inspire your imagination in a deep meditation. The Third Eye is located around the middle of the forehead and slightly above the eyebrows.

Colour: Indigo

Element: Light

Asana Inspiration: Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Speak your truth and be open to clear communications. The throat chakra has a peaceful energy – like a clear, bright blue sky. 

Colour: Blue

Element: Ether

Asana Inspiration: Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Sink into self-love and live from a place of deep gratitude & abundance. Use these meditations for heart activating and heart opening classes.

Colour: Green 

Element: Air

Asana Inspiration: Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Use the Solar Plexus chakra to create powerful, core-focused classes. This mix will ignite your internal fire and encourage your confidence. The Solar Plexus, golden yellow, is located near your navel & has a male energy.

Colour: Yellow

Element: Fire

Asana Inspiration: Boat Pose (Navasana)

Flow from a place of passion and pleasure. Use the soft, sensitive feminine energies of the Sacral Chakra to create deep, restorative sequences which will leave your class feeling empowered. The sacral chakra is located below the tummy button and around the womb area.

Colour: Orange

Element: Water

Asana Inspiration: Yogi Squat (Malasana)

Grounded, rooted and centred like Mother Earth. Use these meditations to feel at home in your body and connected to the earth. Sink your roots from the root of your spine – this energy centre also governs the legs & feet.

Colour: Red

Element: Earth 

Asana Inspiration: Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Click here to start your INTENTIONS journey with ‘Body As One’.



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