Onboarding Manager Guidance:
How to Set Up & Manage Your Team

These step-by-step instructions explain how the gym/studio manager (or person responsible for music) can set up their Team + give their instructors access to the PURE ENERGY GO app:

1. Go to the website pureenergygo.com and log in.

2. Go to the Account page + select Teams from the left-hand side menu.

3. If you manage multiple Teams, select the Team you wish to modify.

4. To add members to your Team, select Add Member from the left-hand side menu.

5. We strongly advise that you add members by email invitation:
Enter the Email Address of the member. Then, select their Role + click Add Member.

Role Options:

  • Member – allows access to the app
  • Manager – allows access to the app + permission to manage the Team

6. Once added, members will receive an email inviting them to join your Team.

The email provides step-by-step instructions on how to create an account and download the PURE ENERGY GO app.

If the member already has a PURE ENERGY GO account, they should simply click the ‘Join Team’ button in this email + accept your invitation to join the Team.

7. If you need to change roles or remove members at any time, you can click Remove, Set as Manager or Set as Member at the right-hand side of the member’s name on the member list.

You will also see a list of Pending Invitations for your teams, which is useful to track who has and has not accepted invitations to join your team. 

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